
Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

UMM Distributes Date and Fast Breaking Package from Saudi Arabia

Again, Ramadhan SyiarCommittee of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is trusted by an Arabic philantrophist. This time, it is not only date which is received, but also fast breaking package to be distributed to public. 
As much as 2,4 tons of date is imported directly from Saudi Arabia to AR Fahruddin Mosque of UMM and it will be distributed to the institutions under Muhammadiyah Association in Malang and its surrounding. Meanwhile, for fast breaking, it is managed by Da'wa Headquarters of AR Fahruddin Mosque to be distributed to the people who need it. The number keeps increasing, from 9.000, until11.000 packages.
The beneficiary, Drs. Abdul Haris, MA, explained that the donation came from an Arabic muhsinin coordinated by Ustadz Abdul Hamid Al-Syahtri. The introduction of Hamid with UMM was caused by his duty to teach Arabic three years ago. “Although he has not taught here again, Ustadz Hamid still establishes friendship," Haris, who is also the Head of International Relations Office of UMM, said.  
The trust of an Arabic philanthropist to UMM, Haris said, is caused by the good distribution management all this time. Date, for example, is always distributed to orphanage, student and public organization that need it and is always reported periodically. 
Meanwhile, this fast breaking package is the first time for UMM. The package distribution which is in the form of food package in box is organized in accordance with the request of certain institutions or communities and the committee itself.  “Hopefully, the trust for this social service donation increases the intimacy of UMM with Saudi Arabia," Haris expected. 
Besides, another Arabic philanthropist also distributes his donations through UMM. Ustadz Adil At-turki who is now teaching Arabic at UMM often helps Saudi Arabia entrepreneur to distribute mosque building donation in Malang and its surrounding. In this Ramadhan, Adil gives scholarship to the orphan students who study in Elementary and Islamic Junior High School of Muhammadiyah. Also, he helps to make well for the poor people in Madiun with UMM as the mediator. 
As it has been know, in this Ramadhan, indeed, UMM is busy with special events. In addition to the donation distribution, UMM also holds social and health service, Ramadhan i’tikaf week, Ramadhan dialogue, and Ramadhan art festival.
“All lecturers, employees, students are involved in the arranged agendas. We also present Ramadhan art with culturalists, Sutarji Calzoum Bachri and D Zawawi Imron, music performance, and mocopat," the Rector assistant of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan, Dr. M. Nurhakim, MAg, said.(mal/nas/t_tys)

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